Papers by Members of the Network
  • Baytchinska, Krassimira: In Search of the Rebirth: Towards a Psychohistory of Socialism and the Transition to a Democratic Society 
  • ________: Values of Contemporary East-European Culture (cross-cultural and developmental approach) . Paper presented at the conference "Political Thought in Central and Eastern Europe in Post-Communist Period", Prague 1998
  • Beech, Deanna R.: Certificate Monitoring Project: viability, trends, and recommendations. CRPC (Commission for Real Property Claims of Displaced Persons and Refugees), Sarajevo, 1998
  • Buda, Béla: Existential Psychotherapy: A View from Hungary, from J. of the Society for Existential Analysis 6.1, Jan. 1995
  • ________: Observing Systems in Transition (Lecture to our 4th International Working meeting in Bratislava, 1995)
  • ________: On the Psychological Situation in Hugary
  • ________: Reactions of the Psyche to social Change and Transition; The Case of Hungary, 1995
  • _________: Target-Setting as an approach to Health Policy, European Conference on Health, Society and Alcohol, Paris, Dec. 12-14, 1995
  • ________: Aspects of positive mental health- Steps for individuals and families. Promotion of Mental Health Vol. 5, 1995.
  • ________: Immigrants – Experiences in Hungary. Preventing Mental Illness: Mental Health Promotion in Primary Care. London.
  • ________: Rape as Sexual Addition – A case study and its theoretical implications. 1996
  • ________: Human Rights & Mental Health: Hungary ; Mental Disability Rights International, 1997
  • Dadasovic, Branka: Marriage in front of the third millenium. Dnevnik (Vikend), 9. Oct. 1999
  • ________: Family and marriage counselling department in dynamic contemporary social changes. Paper presented on I Conference on "Social work center cooperation with the primary schools in Skopje". 1996, Skopje, Macedonia 
  • Dadasovic, Branka & Grozdanova, E.: Society in Transition: New paradigm of family transformation: single-parent–families after divorce. SiT 1997, Budmerice, Slovakia
  • Dadasovic, Branka & Dadasovic, Miodrag: Emotional abuse of children after parent's divorce. SIT 1998, Dusseldorf, Germany

  • ________ & ________ : Emotional abuse of children after parent's divorce - II year longitudinal study. International Association for Counseling (IAC) "Counseling in the New Millenium: Meeting the Challenges of Diversity and Promoting Peace and Social Inclusion", 4-7 May, 2000, School of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece 
  • ________ & ________ : The growth and development group . Paper presented on IAC - IRTAC International Conference“Counseling Children and Youth at the Edge of Third Millenium” Bratislava, August, 24-27, 1999,Slovakia
  • ________ & ________ : Identity and resilience: Pyramid of identity. SIT 1999, Dobogoko, Hungary
  • ________ & ________: Psychosocial characteristics of divorcing parents children. Paper presented on I  Macedonian Psychiatric Congress, 1995, Ohrid, Macedonia
  • ________ & ________: Family in separation - preliminary study. Paper presented on I  Macedonian Psychiatric Congress, 1995, Ohrid, Macedonia
  • ________ & ________ : Multilayer crisis in divorcing families. Paper presented on VII IFTA Congress,1997, Yerusalem, Israel
  • ________ & ________ : Divorce - form of family violence interuption. Paper presented on VIII IFTA Congress,1998, Dusseldorf, Germany
  • ________ & ________ : Some specific emotional relations in families with delinquent youth. Paper presented on the I International Psychological Congress of Macedonia, 1994, Krushevo, Macedonia
  • ________ & ________ : Some aspects of youth delinquency in time of actual social changes. Paper presented on the I International Psychological Congress of Macedonia, 1994, Krushevo, Macedonia
  • Dadasovic, Branka et All: Psychosocial programme in oneparental family work (psychological workshops). Video tape presented on VI IFTA Congress,1996, Athens, Greece
  • Georgiev, Roumen & Georgieva, Zhenya : Totalitarian Society in Transition
  • Gacic, Branko: An Ecosystemic Approach to Alcoholism: Theory & Practice.In Contemporary Family Therapy 8 (4), 1986
  • ________:Trbic, Vera & Markovic, Milan : Family functioning in Societal Context of Yugoslav Crisis, Presented at the IFTA (Int’l Family Therapy Ass.) Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico in Oct. 1995
  • Gradskova, Ioulia: Woman in the critique of traditional morality on the eve of Russian revolution, 1997
  • ________: Changes of women’s images in new Russian ideologies, 1997
  • ________: "Ordinary" Russian woman: toward the understanding of soviet and post-soviet identity, 1998
  • Grünczeisz, Attila: Attitudes Toward authority in a Society in Transformation: Analyzing Group-Leader 'Transitional space', 1993
  • ________: Chances of modified inter-identification: The adventures of self-acknowledgement. Systems in Transition, Intercity-exchange , Prague-Berlin – Budapest – May 8-11, 1997
  • Grünczeisz, Attila & Susan, Scharwiess & Béla, Buda: Systems in Transition: Facing the challenge of and interacting with change. Eur. Ass. For the Adv. Of Soc. Sciences, Cyprus, 1997.
  • Hagemann, Wolfgang: Don’t deny your past, use it! Workshop using role-sculptures in Brno, 1999, Czekhia
  • ________: Gewalt aus systemish - psychodinamisher Sicht.
  • Jusufbegovic, Enver & Colleague: Individuals and Groups in the Yugoslavian War. Lecture presented by Systems in Transition e.V. in Berlin, 1994, Germany
  • Kopcanová, Dagmar: Family counseling & Family Therapy in Slovakia

  • ________: Educational and Psychologhical Counselling in Slovakia: Keeping Continuity
  • ________: Generation 3000: Gender Specifics According to Youth View. SiT 1997, Budmerice, Slovakia
  • ________: Educational and Psychological Counselling in Slovakia: Keeping Continuity. Int’l Ass. For Counselling (IRTAC), Paris 1998, France
  • ________: Children and Violence on the Screen. SiT 1999 Dobogokö, Hungary
  • Larionescu, Cosima: Conspiracy Theories: Another View on Power, SiT 1996, Budapest, Hungary
  • Long, Jancis: Being Wrong is No Simple Matter: Skills for an Open Society
  • ________: Why Open Societies Keep Closing.
  • ________: Lakatos in Hungary, in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 28, No. 2, June 1998
  • Marlin, Olga: Group Psychology in the Totalitarian System: A Psychoanalytic View. GROUP, Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring 1990
  • ________: Ideology as a False Answer To Man’s Existential and Historical Dichotomies, from: Contemporary Psychoanalysis Vol. 30, No. 3, 1994
  • ________: Special Issues in the Analytic Treatment of Immigrants and Refugees, in Issues in Psychoanalytic  Psychology Vol. 16, No. 1, 1994
  • ________: Fleeing Toward the New and Yearning for the Old. From 

  • ________: Psychology of Transformation in the Czech Republic
  • Elovitz, Paul, H. & Charlotte, Kahn: Immigrant Experiences: Personal Narrative and Psychological Analysis, Madison and Teaneck, 1997.
  • ________: Psychology of Transformation in the Czech Republic, Presented at the Int’l Conference of Applied Psychology in San Francisco, 1998, USA
  • Mimica, Jadranka: Trauma, Identiy and Violence. SIT 1998, Dusseldorf, Germany
  • Nikolova, Alla: Some common Patterns of Disturbed Relationships in Families with Adopted Children, Presented at the IFTA Conference in Budapest in 1994, Hungary
  • Oravecz, Robert : On the Content of the Suicide Notes and the Leave-taking notes of Patriots, Excuted at the Time of W.W.II
  • ________: Interethnicity and Irrationality . 1999
  • ________: Trauma induced disturbances of the refugee children.Addict. Hun. VI. évf. 1998 2. szám.
  • ________: About Ibogaine. Addict . Hun. VI. évf. 1998. 3. szám
  • ________: About the motivational therapy. Addict. Hun. VI. évf. 1998. 4. szám
  • ________: Trauma and abuse of psychotropic substances.Addict. Hun. VI. évf. 1998. 4. szám 

  • ABSTRACT: The paper analyses the connection between the trauma and the abuse of the psychotropic substances. The neurobiological, psychopathological and sociopsychological aspects of the above mentioned problems have been discussed. The paper gives a theoretical information about the topic, focusing on the psychopathogenic effect of the trauma and on the traumogenity of the drog- or alcohol using life - style, too.
    Keywords: Trauma, psychotropic substances, dependency, PTSD 
  • ________: Dynamics of refugee identity . Addict. Hun. VI. évf. 1998. 4. szám

  • ABSTRACT: The paper present the process of refugee identity - transforming in the mirror of the Slovene refugee politics. It has been discussed that the problem of the refugee mental - health can not be identified with the psychopathological phenomenon of the PTSD. The identity processing of the refugees changes through the relational system of the cross - cultural communication. That has been determinated with the contextual elements of the Slovene society. The process of the identity transforming in the refugees is organized around the terms of "cultural bereavment", "uprootedness", "trauma" and "resettlement".
    Keywords: refugee, media, identity, trauma 
  • ________: Meanings of the victim. Reader (Systems in Transition) 1998
  • ________: My experiences with the violence.  Reader (Systems in Transition) 1998
  • ________: Vicarious and secondary traumatisation. Reader (Systems in Transition) 1999 
  • ________: On the content of the suicide notes and the leave-taking notes of patriotes, executed at the time of the W.W. II. Etnolog 9/1

  • ABSTRACT:The author present the history of the researches made on suicide notes from the end of the XIX. century. The suicide notes seems to be very important documents of the presuicide processes, manifesting in the "Presuicidal syndrome" or in the well known phenomenon of the "Cry for help". The transcultural researches, which were done on the suicidal notes reflect some interesting correlations between the presuicidal processes and the content or structure of the suicide notes.Hungarian authors confirmed the significant connection between the frequency of the negation in the suicide notes and the suicidal intent. It seems, that the negation is more reliable sign of the suicidality, than the direct expression of the suicide intent.The author present the research findings on formal structure of the Slovene suicide notes and the leave - taking notes written by patriots, executed at the time of the w.w.II. He compare the semantical, syntactical and pragma-lynguistical aspects of the both sample, especially focusing the use and the sense of the negation.The author also tries to answer the question, what is the reason of writing suicide notes and who is the real addressee of them. 
    Keywords: suicide notes, content analysis, negation, deconstruction
  • ________: Trauma and Vicarious Traumatization . Under publication (Collected papers of the 1998 Budapest Congress of Psychotraumatology)
  • ________: Trauma and abuse of psychotropic substances. Under publication (Collected papers of the 1998 Bled Alpe – Adria Conference on addictological medicine) 
  • ________: Death and identity. Kharon 1998 Vol. 2 Num. 4 

  • Abstract: The author presents the content-analysis of 45 leave-taking notes, written by Slovene patriots, executed among 1941 and 1944. The analysis accentuate the structural and substantial homogeneity of those texts. The research – method applies 18 variables to reflect the particular elements of the leave-taking letters. It seem, that the most dominant facts are the reflected feelings of guilt and love. The author interprets the significance of those feelings from the viewpoint of the contemporary identity concepts. The research tends to introduce some conclusions, which makes more clear the understanding of the relationship between community and person, who is passing away.
    Keywords: identity, leave-taking notes, Self-narratives, alien, reintegration, death
  • ________: Toward a multidimensional trauma – modell. Pszihoterápia 8. Évf. 3. Szám 1999 május

  • Abstract:The author presents the evolution of the "trauma" through the historical context of the XX. century. He interprets the preferences and the deficiencies of the nosologically based clinical PTSD concepts. The text contains the presentation of the narrative identity theory and also the meanings of the victim, which contributed to the understanding of the socioculturally based trauma – phenomenon. At the end of the paper, the author presents the concept of the integrative trauma – theory, which may support the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary understanding of the trauma. The author supposed, that the modell needs further empirical verification in the future.
    Keywords: trauma, PTSD, narrativity, identity, victim
  • ________: Contribution to the "Gotland" Discussion, Supported by Slovene Suicidological Datas. Addictologia Hungarica VII/4 1999

  • ABSTRACT: The article contains a brief overview of the publications, written on results of the educational program, which was organized at the Gotland Island in the 80-s, and the scientific discussion which developed afterwards. The author introduses the relevant Slovene suicidological datas and relations including some socio –pharmacological contributions also. According to these datas, the suicide rate of Slovene population is relatively stable and the process of social transformation does not influence it.The increasing prescription of the novell antidepressives in Slovenia influenced the rate of seasonal (autumn) suicidality, but the expected connection between antidepressive therapy and the total Slovene suicidal rate is not confirmable. The text contains the relevant conclusions also.
    Keywords: suicide, Slovenia, Gotland, antidepressives, SSRI, TCA 
  • ________:  Developmental dimensions of the trauma. Accepted for publication: Psihološki razgledi. 

  • ABSTRACT: The article contains theoretical concepts of trauma processes and the bio-psycho-social aspects of developmental damages caused by the traumatogenic events. The paper presents the differences between the healthy and traumatized children, according to the cognitive and emotional dimensions of the developmental process. The significant impact of the trauma on the both dimension has been discussed. Especially the disturbed cognitive processing of the information during the trauma. Namely, the trauma process causes long-term developmental disturbances, which may cause a wide range of psychopathological symptoms and a lower level of social functionality. The author accentuates the connection between some developmental aspects of the childhood trauma and the psychopathology increasing later or even in adulthood.
    KEYWORDS: trauma, PTSD, cognition, emotional, children
  • ________: Inter-ethnicity and fascizm at the end of the millenium. Accepted for publication: Addict. hun.

  • ABSTRACT: The collapse of the nazi regime at the end of the II. w.w. was also the end of the most terrible "rebellion against civilisation", the totalitarian ideology of fascism.In an attempt, to conceptualize the developmental process of extreme irrationality, many psychological theories were developed since 40's until 70's. But the rising of inter-ethnic conflicts all around the world contributed to the development of inter-ethnic theories, pushing back the relevance of the above mentioned psychologial concepts.The Balkan conflict re-actualized the scientific and main stream (media) application of the therm of fascism.The author presents the socio - psychological theories on fascism, developed by Horkheimer, Adorno and Theweleit, but the relevant theoretical concepts of inter-ethnicity also.An critical insight would be made on relevance of those theoretical concepts, regarding to the development of systems, based on "rebellion against civilisation".
    Keywords: inter-ethnicity, fascizm,trauma, victim, shame 
  • ________:  Comparative Content Analysis of Slovene Suicide Notes and Farewell Letters of Patriotes, Executed at the Time of W.W.II. (Accepted for publication – a book in preparation)
  • Petkova, Elka: "The World of Intimacy" – Group Work Experience with Teenagers. SiT 1997, Budmerice, Slovakia
  • Petrits, Andrea and Tom Pick: Rehabilitation Project for the ethnic Hungarian communities in s. Baranya (Croatia)
  • Pick, Thomas M.: A Note on Some Causes of Eastern European Militant Nationalism and on Possible Measures to Counteract It, 1994: PTSD Epidemics: Counteracting Cycles of Inter-Ethnic Violence Introduction: Defining the Problem. Jerusalem, June, 1996, Israel
  • ________: On the Central Role of Traumata in Inter-ethnic Violence.
  • ________: A note on a relationship between personal and societal problems , 1998
  • ________: Counteracting Cycles of Inter-Ethnic Violence. ESTSS (Eur. Soc’y for Traumatic Stress Studies) Maastricht, 1998, Germany
  • ________: Salutogenic community- and group-based approaches to war trauma. Presented at the Regional Meeting of the ESTSS, London, Feb. 98, UK
  • Richter, Melitta Melabotta: Changes in the family role of women in refuge families in Serbia. Mediterranean Review, No. 3, I/VI 1997
  • ________: A new marginalization of women as a result of war and ethnic conflict. SiT 1997, Budmerice, Slovakia
  • Rosenthal, Gabriele: National Identity or Multicultural Autobiography: Theoretical Concepts of Biographical Constitution Grounded in Case Reconstructions.
  • ________: Similarities and differences in family dialogue; Passing the guilt on to the grandchildren; two family dialogues compared: veiling and denying. From: The Holocaust in the life of three generations. 1998
  • Scharwiess, Susan: Step-Sisters and Half-Brothers: A Family Therapist's View of German Unification and other Transitional Processes . In: Contemporary Family Therapy 16 (3), June, 1994.
  • ________: Explicit and Implicit Themes of the Transitional Process in Middle- and Eastern Europe; IFTA Düsseldorf, 1998, Germany
  • ________: Genogram of German Fathers, Presented at the ESTSS Maastricht 1998, Germany
  • ________: History of Systems in Transition, Presented at the IAAP (Int’l Ass. Of Applied Psychology), San Francisco, 1998, USA
  • ________: Psychological Challenges of Transitional Societies, Presented at the APA (Amer. Psychol. Ass.), Boston 1999, USA
  • ________: How right can we be? Psychological Dimensions of Communication . Conference on Communication, Budapest 2000, Hungary 
  • ________: Herb Kelman visits SiT Berlin .Berlin, 2000, Germany
  • ________, Zhenya Georgieva: "Family Therapy of Societies in Transition " , Report on a Workshop at the Regional Symposium of the WPA

  • "Changing Psychiatry in Changing Societies" in Budapest, August, 1991, Hungary
  • Shapiro, Alexander: The Contemporary Russian Family & the Elections. Presented at the IFTA Conference n Athens, 1996, Greece
  • ________: From Russia with Despair, Hope, and Love: The New "Family Therapy Chosen Land." From: The International Connection Vol. 11, No. 1, March-April 1998.
  • _________: The Value Dimension in Russian Family Therapy. From The International Connection Vol. 12, No. 1, Feb.-March 1999
  • _________: The Concept of Positivity in Family Therapy and the Task of Psychological Assistance to the Contemporary Russian Family. J. of Russian & East European Psychology, vol. 35, no. 6, Nov-Dec. 1997, pp. 73-92
  • Surguladze, Simon: Values, Attitudes and Schizophrenia, SiT 1996, Budapest, Hungary

  • Other papers of interest:
    1. Chirot, Daniel: Ethnopolitical warfare: Causes and solutions . Report on the conference held in Londonderry/Derry,Northern Ireland, June 29 to July 3, 1998
    2. CODEP 2000 Conference paper, London UK 
    3. Goran, Greti} : Identiy of Europe: homeland of memories 
    4. Kulovic, Suzana M.D. Torture Victim, Survivor, Citizen 

Note: Underlined titles in blue have a full texts